OKECHAMP Group is a modern, international group of companies, active in all segments of the mushroom business creating unique mushroom chain.
Production Division Borucino, PL

Substrate Production

Production Division in Kamień, PL

Casing Soil Production

Production Division Borucino, PL

Mushroom Production for Processed & Fresh Market

Processing Division Grodzisk Wlkp, PL. and Velden , NL

Processed Mushroom & Vegetables

Processing Division Velden , NL

mushrooms concentrate & powder


Frozen Mushrooms

Sales, Logistic & After Sales Service

Production Division Borucino, PL

Substrate Production

Production Division Borucino, PL

Production Division Borucino, PL

Casing Soil Production

Production Division in Kamień, PL

Production Division Borucino, PL

Mushroom Production for Processed & Fresh Market

Production Division Borucino, PL

Production Division Borucino, PL

Processed Mushroom & Vegetables

Processing Division Grodzisk Wlkp, PL. and Velden , NL

Production Division Borucino, PL

mushrooms concentrate & powder

Processing Division Velden , NL

Production Division Borucino, PL

Frozem mushrooms


Production Division Borucino, PL

Sales, Logistic & After Sales Service

OKECHAMP Group markets

OKECHAMP Group is group of companies that together are one of the leaders in the production and processing of mushrooms in Europe.  We are present on European and global markets where we provide mushrooms in specifications adapted to the requirements of the client

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Our Quality Standards

Quality without compromise

Code of Conduct & Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics reflects ethic values which OKECHAMP Group implements on a daily basis. The values are a paragon of behaviour towards co-workers, supervisors, and business Clients.

Our brands

News & events

Cornerstone, Kartesia and OKECHAMP invest into a joint project
Cornerstone Investment Management (formerly Cornerstone Partners), a private equity investment manager, in co-operation with Kartesia, a European specialist financing provider, and Polish mushroom producer OKECHAMP S.A. will combine forces to create a global player in the mushroom production sector.