implements the project entitled:

"Development of an innovative technology for growing and harvesting mushrooms based on the use of innovative tilting racks in combination with an innovative technology of dragging the cultivation between racks at different levels"


under the Intelligent Development Operational Program for 2014-2020, Sub-measure 1.1.1
The aim of the project is to develop an internationally innovative technology for the cultivation and manual harvesting of fresh mushrooms, allowing for the partial mechanization of this harvest, increasing the efficiency of manual harvesting, while maintaining the yield per 1 sq m of cultivation. This will increase the competitive position on the export market of class I processed mushrooms in terms of price and quality, as well as respond to changes in the labor market and reduce the supply of harvesting workers.
Project value: PLN 9,246,149.43

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 3,698,459.77

Project implemented in the period 2021-06-01 - 2023-02-28.